Hello! My name is Anirudh.
I am currently an undergraduate student at Northeastern University in Boston, MA. Currently, I am working towards a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics. Soon after, I plan on pursuing a Master's degree in Computer Science with a specialization in Software Engineering or Artificial Intelligence.
My technical interests involve building dynamic web applications and vibrant websites using technologies like React and Node.js, learning how Machine Learning algorithms and tools can be used in applications regarding topics like computer vision and natural language processing, and learning about the newest cloud technologies on platforms including Amazon Web Services (AWS).
In my free time (which college just doesn't give me much of), my hobbies include going on long runs, playing the drums, and just roaming around nature and capturing simple but story-telling moments with my camera.
Built an analytics web application using React, Node.js, and Express that displays information regarding manufacturers that are pivoting their operations towards producing PPE (personal protective equipment). Data was first migrated into a MySQL database using Python.
Built a user-interactive application that renders two-dimensional animations of shapes using Java Swing and AWT libraries. Applied MVC architecture to achieve separation of concerns and facilitation of multiple views, while also performing unit testing with mocks.
Performed sentiment analysis using Python, NLP, and ML to determine disaster status of a tweet. Conducted data cleaning, classification modeling, and data visualization to show how Twitter can be a valuable mechanism to broadcast information in times of a disaster.
Built an Alexa skill called 'Computer Science Wiki', which provides simple definitions fo common keywords in the area of Computer Science. I used Python to write the program, along with the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lambda tool in order to run and test my code.
Built a miniature bascule bridge using craft sticks. Using an Arduino and set sensors, I programmed the bridge to open/close if an object is approaching the bridge. The bridge includes a variety of components regarding structural analysis and robotic programming.